Progetto Crescere, Via JF Kennedy 17 - 42124 Reggio Emilia (ITALY)

Erasmus+ Ka2 Strategic Partnership Training

The Project “Training on learning disabilities for parents and teachers. New strategies and methodologies and ICT contributions”  (2016-2018) involves 5 Europe organizations, active in the field of education and clinical service to support Children with Learning Disabilities.

The main goal is to help disadvantaged groups (pupils with learning disabilities expecially in Primary Education but also in Secondary  school with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, attention disorder, Non verbal learning disease) to learn better. The project wants to create instruments for school advisers or guidances, to help them to develop parents and teachers training courses using innovative, and then, more effective, methodologies and materials.

Concrete objectives are:

  1. to define a original questionnaires to analyze the current and new strategies and tools useful with pupils with learning disabilities and to consider teachers and parents’ opinions.
  2. to develop training programs with practical ICT materials to guide teachers and parents to introduce innovative approaches in the educational context, in particular in the daily teaching-learning process.
  3. to define ICT and applications methodological guide, open to all parents and teachers in all Europe.
  4. to create a portal Web where teachers and parents could search the best applications for learning disability or educational process they want to improve 

Spain (Murcia)
Equipo de Orientación Educativa y Psicopedagógica de Molina de Segura (coordinator)

Italy (Reggio Emilia)
Progetto Crescere (partner)

Lithuania (Vilnius)
Vilniaus miesto psichologine- pedagogine tarnyba

Polonia (Krakow)
Zwiazek Stowarzyszen Multikultura Association

Turkey (Ankara)
Kecioren Rehberlik Arastirma Merkezi

October 2017 – The project is concluded
The 5 europe organizations contributed to create a web portal where teachers and parents can search the best applications for learning disability or educational process they want to improve. You can see the result here:

Che cosa abbiamo fatto in Italia:

1) Coinvolgimento delle istituzioni scolastiche per la compilazione dei questionari per gli insegnanti.

Hanno collaborato al progetto le scuole: 

  • Correggio I (Reggio Emilia)
  • Circolo 7 (MO)
  • I.C. Sassuolo IV ovest (MO)
  • I.C. Marconi Castelfranco emilia (MO)
  • I.C. di via Montebello (PR)

2) Compilazione dei questionari: sono stati coinvolti i genitori di bambini e ragazzi che hanno fatto percorsi diagnostici e riabilitativi nelle diverse sedi di Progetto Crescere ed è stata fatta una campagna su Facebook per arrivare anche a genitori non in carico.

Questionario DSA (download)

3) Corsi di formazione per insegnanti e workshops con genitori L’Esperto risponde… (ottobre-dicembre 2016) relativi a Disturbi di Apprendimento, nuove tecnologie (ICT) e strategie innovative.
4) Multiplier event dal titolo DSA e ADHD in una prospettiva europea: sviluppo positivo delle differenze interindividuali“, a conclusione del percorso biennale su ICT tools and other innovative practices in learning disabilities approach. 19 ottobre 2017, Cinema Rosebud Reggio Emilia

Meetings in Europe

17-20 November 2015

1. Partner presentation
2. Definition of project timetable
3. Analisys and Comparison of the Questionnaire for Parents and Teachers
4. Analisys and Comparison of the situation about Learning Disabilities in Partner’s Country
5. Visit to institution

30 May – 4 June 2016


  1. Questionnaire for teachers and parents about learning difficulties
  2. Structure of the new platform
  3. First approach to the coursers for teachers and parents

10-14 October 2016


  1. Definition of methodological guide for teachers and parents
  2. Definition of platform contents
  3. Definition of courses for teachers and workshop for parents
  4. Draft of the new game about executive functions

28-31 March 2017


  1. Evaluation of courses for teachers and workshop for parents
  2. Final version of platform contents
  3. Final version of guide for teachers and parents
  4. Final version of videogames
  5. Dissemination plan (first draft)
  6. Evaluation of final outputs (first draft)
  7. Definition of final glossary
  8. Planning of multiplier events

Spain (Murcia)
2-3 October 2017


  1. Results’revision.
  2. Dissemination activities’ Evaluation and Planning future actions
  3. Multiplier events definition
  4. Final evaluation