Effective methodology of teaching for children with asd from mainstream schools 2019-1-RO01-KA202-063957
PROGRAM: KA202 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
The Project (2019-2021) involves 4 European organizations, active in the field of education and clinical services to support Children with Special Educational Needs.
Effective methodology of teaching for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from mainstream schools is a project which wishes to contribute to the training and professional development of teachers in mainstream schools working with children with ASD.
Autism is a severe developmental disorder of neurobiological nature, which often occurs at birth or at the age of 18 month – 2 years of the child. Autism is a behavioural syndrome characterized by difficulties in communication and language, social and behavioural (through stereotyped, repetitive, autostimulatory behaviours).
From 2000 to 2010, the prevalence of autism has doubled according to international statistics published in March 2014, which makes autism a more common cause. More specifically, if in 2000 one in 150 people had autism, in 2010 one out of 68 children is affected by an autistic spectrum disorder.
A research done by Sociometrics Association – Social and Economic Analysis Group for Romania and Angel Appeal Foundation (RAA) shows that, in the opinion of ASD children’s parents, teachers are very much willing to contribute to the integration of the child (42% of the respondents) but only 22% of them state that the teaching staff knows what to do. There are training courses in many dialectical training institutions, but not strictly for autism, but to work with children with special educational needs – generally, so that this spectrum is included, but there is no course dedicated to autism.
The main goal is to implement a Pilot course for teachers working with ASD children in mainstream schools and to develop a teacher guide (educational support). The Pilot course will be implemented following the formation of a group of experts from each partner organization according to the results of a needs group analysis of the target group. Teacher training will be based on current information on children with ASD, specific methods and use of the Personalized Intervention Plan. The Teacher’s Guide will contain, besides models of learning and assessment, tools for children with ASD and adapted programs for Communication and language development for children with ASD from kindergarten to high school.
Concrete objectives are:
- To develop the professional skills and competencies of the educators and experts who work with people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder from mainstream school.
- To develop an adapted curriculum of communication and language for pre-school, primary, gymnasium and high-school education
- To develop a guide for teachers working in mainstream school with children with ASD
- To develop a site about the project
Romania (Iasi)
Asociaţia “Suntem diferiti” ASSOCIAZIONE “WE ARE DIFFERENT” (coordinator)
Italy (Reggio Emilia)
Progetto Crescere (partner)
United Kingdom (Belfast)
EARLY YEARS – The Organisation for young children LBG (partner)
Greece (Komotini)
Eastern Macedonia Thrace regional directorate for Primary and secondary education (partner)
Events in Italy (in italian)
Autismo: strategie e metodologie per l’inclusione (corso online gratuito)
16, 18, 23, 25 novembre 2021, orario: 15:00-18:00
Seminario online gratuito sull’inclusione dei bambini nello spettro autistico nelle scuole
09 dicembre 2021, dalle 15.00